Graphic Design with KMA

Graphic Design with KMA

For the past several years, I’ve served as sort of the unofficial graphic artist for KMA Sports. This has given me the opportunity to combine two things that I really enjoy: sports and graphic design.

KMA gives out a ton of awards to area athletes in southwest Iowa, northwest Missouri, and southeast Nebraska at the end of every sports season. In the fall, it’s football, volleyball and cross country. In the winter, it’s wrestling, basketball, and bowling. And in the spring, it’s track & field, golf, tennis, and soccer. There’s also summer, when Iowa plays their high school baseball and softball.

I know a lot of the athletes and parents really appreciate the acknowledgement from KMA, and so to be able to contribute to that is extremally rewarding. It’s great to be able to come up with different designs for the various sports, and having done this for a while now, I feel like I’ve gotten much better when I look back on some of the earlier designs. A big shoutout is in order to KMA Broadcasting, and especially Derek Martin, for the opportunity.

Want to see some of the designs? A lot of them are posted here at KMA Sports. We just finished up the spring season. Next up: baseball and the KMA Sports Athlete of the Year Awards!

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